Here you’ll find writing tips, authorly musings, news and updates related to my website and my works, and more than a few geeky pop culture references.

13 Text-Based Horror Games to Play Alone in the Dark
These text-based horror games are the perfect nightmare fuel for avid readers and gamers alike looking for top-quality spooks this season.

The Best Fantasy Books About Witches, for Witches
These fantasy books about witches portray practitioners as actual human beings with multiple dimensions, rather than flat stereotypes.

The Best Lord of the Rings Video Games for Every Type of Gamer
If you’re a fan of Middle-Earth, there’s a Lord of the Rings video game out there calling your name—no matter what type of gamer you are.

Inspirational Stories About Finding Yourself: Recommended Reads
Inspirational stories about finding yourself are important because they not only remind us that we are not alone in our lostness, but that others have found their way back—and we can, too. No one can give you a clear blueprint to follow, of course; every journey is different. But reading about how someone else’s story plays out can help you figure out how to rewrite your own and find your own path forward.

10 Intriguing Video Games Set in Rome
This list of intriguing video games set in Rome—both historic and contemporary—will hopefully give you a few new titles to add to your to-play list.

What Is the Purpose of Interactive Storytelling?
Why do authors toil over interactive stories, and why do audiences crave them so much?

chiaroscuro: A Game About Art (and Other Things)
chiaroscuro is a low fantasy interactive fiction game in which you play a young American artist in Rome.

Memorable Video Games With Choices and Consequences
Video games with real choices and consequences are exciting because they amplify the interactive element of video gaming.

Falling in Love with a Fictional Character: A Fictophile’s Guide
Falling in love with a fictional character is never easy. But if you find yourself inexplicably drawn to your favorite character from a movie, novel, or game, just know—you’re not alone.