Here you’ll find writing tips, authorly musings, news and updates related to my website and my works, and more than a few geeky pop culture references.

A Temporary Blog Hiatus
For now, I am going to have to step back from regular posts here. My next post will most likely be my next quarterly update.

Quarterly Quest Update: Q4 2022
Progress made—and lost—during the final quarter of 2022, and a look ahead to the new year.

Meet Tashka, A Dragon Who Can Turn Into a Human
It’s time for a meet-and-greet with Tashka—our leading lady in TDLF, a dragon who can turn into a human.

On Being a Fantasy Fiction Author in Florida
Despite the challenges,there are some perks to being a fantasy author in Florida.

9 Spellbinding Fantasy Books to Get You Back Into Reading
Getting over a slump is just a matter of rekindling the magic. I can think of at least a few fantasy books that can get you back into reading.

How to Concoct Compelling Ideas for Text-Based Games
Finding compelling ideas for text-based games can be especially difficult… unless you know where—and how—to look.

To the Books That Saved My Life: A Love Letter
These are the books that saved my life over the years, in one way or another.

Will Commander Shepard Be in Mass Effect 4 (or 5)?
More than a year after the next game was announced, fans are still asking—will Commander Shepard be in Mass Effect 4 (or 5)?

What is the Scariest Type of Horror Story?
The hunt for the scariest type of horror storymight not be as straightforward as you think.