A cat sleeps, a blog goes on hiatus.

A Temporary Blog Hiatus

Remember when I said I have a lot going on this year and I need to find a new balance by pruning some old growth to make way for the new? Well… here we go.

I hadn’t planned on taking a break from the blog—I had hoped very much to avoid it. But for now, between all of my professional work and all of my personal projects (including some very big, once-in-a-lifetime-type projects), there’s just no room for all of the things I would like to be doing.

So for now, I am going to have to step back from regular posts here. My next post will most likely be my next quarterly update—which may be a little late (by a couple of weeks or so) but which I am hoping will mark my return to regular blog posting.

The most important takeaway here is that this is a temporary hiatus. I do not, at this time, intend to stop posting here forever. Just for a little while—just until I catch up on some other, more pressing, matters.

In the meantime, you will still be able to connect with me via my socials and email. I will also still be sending out my monthly newsletter to keep you all abreast of my writing progress—as well as other important and/or entertaining items of interest. (Next issue goes out tomorrow!) And of course, I’ll be using the time I’m getting back by not writing for the blog to work on Shadow of the Curse-Eater, among other things.

Thank you all, as always, for reading. I hope to see you here again soon. Take care, and be well!

Kim Berkley is a fantasy author and narrative designer who always has a few too many plates spinning, but will always keep trying to do better. She is very appreciative of her readers and wants them all to know how grateful she is for their support; it means the world to her.

Writer, gamer, geek. Author of The Harbinger's Head, chiaroscuro, and more.