Here you’ll find writing tips, authorly musings, news and updates related to my website and my works, and more than a few geeky pop culture references.

Do Writers Hate Writing?
Mere words on a page never seem to fully encompass the stories we want to tell. We always have to settle for “good enough.” But do writers actually hate writing?

Children’s Books for Adults: Recommended Reads
Children’s books can, for adults, kindle something vital in us that needs bolstering from time to time—our sense of hope.

The Rules of Romance in Video Games
Romance in video games has come a long way since the days of collecting “romance” cards in the first Witcher game—but we still have a long way to go.

Is Writing Original Fantasy Even Possible Anymore?
I do believe writing original fantasy is possible. We just have to be careful what rules we set for ourselves when defining what is, and what is not, “original.”

Why Physical Books are Still Important
Physical books are vitally important in spite of their shortcomings—a fact I don’t think e-books or any other e-options are likely to change anytime soon.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Worth Playing, Despite All the Hate?
Cyberpunk 2077 is worth playing, and I don’t regret a single cent or second I spent on it.

Writing About Dragons: Balancing Convention and Creativity
Writing about dragons seems a deceptively easy task. Everyone knows, or thinks they know, what dragons are all about. But ask two people to describe a dragon, and you may get two very different answers.

How to Read Outside Your Comfort Zone (and Enjoy It)
It’s a little daunting, of course, to leave behind the familiar and plunge into the unknown. But what’s the worst that can happen when you read outside your comfort zone?

A New Year’s Update: 2020 Review and 2021 Goals
Whatever happens this year, I plan to make the most of the time I have, while I have it. My wish for you is that you are able to do the same.