Here you’ll find writing tips, authorly musings, news and updates related to my website and my works, and more than a few geeky pop culture references.

Learning How to Write Interactive Fiction: Diving in Headfirst With “The Harbinger’s Head”
Learning how to write interactive fiction begins with finding a story that fits the format—and then figuring out how best to tell it.

The 3 Best Books on Creative Writing I’ve Read (So Far)
There are a ton of books on creative writing out there, some better than others. These three are the cream of the crop, at least in my humble opinion.

Writing With Migraines: Balancing Pain and Passion
I am a writer who suffers from migraines with aura. I’ve found, over the years, that you can’t really write with migraines—but you can write in spite of them.

Free Reads: Poetry, “Dream Destination”
“I have never been there. / I’ve never seen the sights I visit nightly / in my magazine dreams. . .”

Storytelling Without Dialogue: Writing Tips Inspired by Ice Dancing
The Olympics are all about the art of the kinetic narrative—and of all the winter sports, none do storytelling quite as well as ice dancing.

Free Reads: Poetry, “A Writer Writes”
“It’s easy like midnight cravings, / creeping up on you in the wee hours / when you know you should sleep / (but can’t) …”

In Love with Icarus: Questions and Revelations Inspired by “Hamilton”
Like any good story, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “Hamilton” left me with a few lingering questions—not just about Alexander, but about myself, both as a writer and a human being.

Lessons Learned from “Love Never Dies”
If you can make me believe I’ve fallen down the rabbit-hole into Wonderland, tripped and somersaulted head-over-heels into some strange and beautiful otherworld, I will forgive you for any sin you commit against the art of the narrative. At least temporarily.

Free Reads: Short Fiction, “Escapement”
“My eyes open to a world of sand and shadows. I stand in the middle of a clearing, with foreign woods at my back and nothing but black space before me. I don’t know where I am or how I got here.”