Here you’ll find writing tips, authorly musings, news and updates related to my website and my works, and more than a few geeky pop culture references.

A (Belated) New Year Update: 2019
An extremely-late-in-coming look back at 2018, and what’s in store for us (well, me) in 2019. Happy super belated New Year, everyone!

To Blog or Not to Blog: Investigating the Purpose of an Author Blog
A closer look at the potential purposes of an author blog.

NaNoWriMo 2018: Postmortem
NaNoWriMo 2018: final word count, lessons learned, and what may or may not come next.

NaNoWriMo Day 15: A Quick Mid-Nano Update
A mid-month update for NaNoWriMo 2018. Some lessons have been learned, and many words been typed, in the past 15 days.

NaNoWriMo 2018 Participation Announcement!
I will be participating in National Novel Writing Month in November 2018 with a brand-new fiction project. Wish me luck, dear readers.

Made You Look: 3 Books That Scared Me So Badly I Actually Jumped
Looking for a book that will actually scare you this Halloween? These 3 terrifying books just might make you jump right out of your skin.

The Best “Sick Day” Books from My Childhood
Books are the ultimate medicine. Here are just a few of the best “sick day” books to read when you’re feeling a little under the weather.

Mental Health for Writers: 7 Self-Care Tips
For writers, maintaining good mental health through simple self-care practices can make a world of difference in the quality of both your work and your life.

Imposter Syndrome and Other Nightmares: A Fiction Writer’s Greatest Fears
Writing good fiction means facing your fears and defeating the imposter syndrome demon.