Here you’ll find writing tips, authorly musings, news and updates related to my website and my works, and more than a few geeky pop culture references.

Why Do I Love Fantasy So Much?
Asking “Why do I love fantasy so much?” is like asking “Why do I enjoy breathing so much?”

Should You Take a Break from Writing?
Knowing when to take a break is key to doing so effectively without exacerbating whatever feelings or circumstances are driving you to ask whether you should take a break from writing in the first place.

Mid-Year Updates: 2020 Edition
Here’s how 2020 is going so far! It’s not all been a dumpster fire, even if it feels like it some days.

Attending a (Virtual) Writing Conference: Advice for First-Timers
I’ve compiled a list of writing conference advice and tips to help first-time attendees get as much as possible out of their conference of choice.

Fantastic Fairy Tales with Cats in Them
In honor of Garfield Day, I wanted to recommend a few of my personal favorite fairy tales with cats in them for your reading pleasure.

6 Things to Consider When Writing a Depressed Character
Writing a depressed character realistically can be challenging—but it’s important to do it right.

Are Visual Novels Literature?
Visual novels are many things to many people. But are visual novels literature?

“I Don’t Know What to Write in My Journal,” and Other Symptoms of Uninspiration
About the time you start thinking thoughts like, “I don’t know what to write in my journal,” is exactly when you should start writing.

Celebrating Small Victories, in Writing and in Life
Celebrating small victories plays a huge role in staying motivated—and honestly, in stressful times like these, staying sane.