Here you’ll find writing tips, authorly musings, news and updates related to my website and my works, and more than a few geeky pop culture references.

What Do Writers Do When They’re Not Writing?
There’s more to the writer’s life than just putting words to paper. So what do writers do when they’re not writing?

Why Do Your Favorite Characters Always Die?
The reason why your favorite characters always die because authors set you up to care as much as possible about these characters. This ensures that, when the time comes, their deaths will mean something.

Why (Some) Visual Novels Are Boring
I admit that some visual novels are boring. But the reasons, I think, have less to do with what they are than how they have been put together.

When Do Writers Write?
Asking “When do writers write?” is like asking when it will rain again. That it will happen again, at some point, is a given; how regularly, and how much, is often less certain.

How to Make a Scary Story Scarier
Here are a few creative ideas for how to make a scary story scarier—just in time for Halloween.

Creepypasta is Not Dead (It’s Just Sleeping)
I don’t think creepypasta is dead. Like the eldritch horrors that haunt its darkest corners, it is merely in hibernation, in preparation for the next change.

Why Are Hobbits So Special, Anyway?
Why are hobbits the ones who get the honor of sharing the week with Middle-Earth’s most important storyteller? What makes hobbits so special, anyway?

Why are Pirates Romanticized in Fantasy and Historical Fiction?
As I look forward to one of my favorite goofball holidays, I wonder, as apparently many of you have too: why are pirates so often romanticized in our fiction?

Why Keep Writing When You’re Tired and Depressed?
Writing when you’re tired and depressed can seem like a Sisyphean task—but it’s worth the effort.