Here you’ll find writing tips, authorly musings, news and updates related to my website and my works, and more than a few geeky pop culture references.

Quarterly Quest Update: Summer 2024
I’m back, and once again, I’m changing things up a little with these quarterly quest updates!

Quarterly Quest Update: Spring 2024
A look back at progress made in the first quarter of 2024, and a peek at what’s in store for the second quarter of the year.

Breaking the Curse of Creative Burnout
With writer’s block, you want to write but can’t figure out what to write. When you’re suffering from creative burnout, you just can’t.

Quarterly Quest Update: Winter 2023
Another year, another holiday season survived. I hope this winter was kind to you; for me it was a bit of a mixed blessing.

Quarterly Quest Update: Fall 2023
It’s spooky season… and time for our autumnal Quarterly Quest Update! Here’s what I’ve been up to—and what I’m planning next.

Our Hobbit-Themed Wedding: Behind the Scenes
When we said we were having a hobbit-themed wedding, we got some laughs, some looks, and a lot of smiles—but more than anything, we got a lot of questions. Why hobbits?

Reading “Guilty Pleasure” Books Shamelessly
Don’t let shame stop you from enjoying your so-called “guilty pleasure” books to the fullest.

Quarterly Quest Update: Summer 2023
The wheel of the year continues to turn, bringing a new season—and a new Quarterly Quest Update.

Quarterly Quest Update: Spring 2023
Huzzah—it’s the first Quarterly Quest Update of 2023!