Here we have a selection of original “free reads,” including poetry, prose, excerpts, and more. Some entries are from the distant past, still a bit dusty and certainly a bit rough around the edges. Others are more recent; things I simply felt like sharing or things that show off what I’ve been working on most recently.
Feel free to share anything you like with anyone else who might enjoy it—but please remember to credit the author! 🙂

Free Reads: Poetry, “Dream Destination”
“I have never been there. / I’ve never seen the sights I visit nightly / in my magazine dreams. . .”

Free Reads: Poetry, “A Writer Writes”
“It’s easy like midnight cravings, / creeping up on you in the wee hours / when you know you should sleep / (but can’t) …”

Free Reads: Short Fiction, “Escapement”
“My eyes open to a world of sand and shadows. I stand in the middle of a clearing, with foreign woods at my back and nothing but black space before me. I don’t know where I am or how I got here.”

Free Reads: Poetry, “In Retrospect”
“Watching me walking my warping path / you never knew who I was, but you guessed . . .”

Free Reads: Short Fiction, “The Dream Pool”
“. . . I realized the water’s surface did not reflect either of our faces. It was as Ashlyn had said – this was no mirror, no flat mimicry of reality. This was a window, a gateway… but to where, I did not know.”

Free Reads: Short Fiction, “Driftwood”
“I had no limbs, nor voice, nor pulse. I was prey to the ocean current, to every turn of the tide. The man was right. I was no longer human . . .”