Spanish Gold (c) Kim Berkley 2006-2017

Blog Update 05/05/21

Update 05/05/21:

My planned return this week has to be postponed due to health (read: migraine) reasons. Nothing life-threatening, but serious enough that I need to take a bit more time to get things under control. Hope to see you all on the other side of this soon. Thanks so much for your patience and for your continued support. It’s much appreciated. <3

Update 04/09/21:

Hey, friend readers and gamers!

Just wanted to pop in to let you all know that I will be taking a break from blogging for a little while. I love the content I’ve been creating lately, but I am spinning a lot of plates right now and one or two of them, in particular, are threatening to lose balance and come crashing down right on my head.

SO, as a healthy writer should, I am going to scale back a bit on my workload for just a little while until I can get my ducks back in a row. Publishing here will halt, with a plan to resume regular (weekly) posting in May.

Thank you so much for reading and supporting my work! While you wait, feel free to follow me on Instagram, where my current plan is to remain active (just less so than usual), and keep an eye out on The Dragon’s Last Flight over on itch, where I’m hoping I’ll have an update for you soon. And, as always, I’ll still be contributing regularly to HealthyPlace, for those of you interested in the mental health side of my work.

Have a happy April. See you in May!

Writer, gamer, geek. Author of The Harbinger's Head, chiaroscuro, and more.